Rose-Coloured (2018)
Simulated fog, fluorescent bulbs, coloured cellophane.
University of Lethbridge | Lethbridge, AB.

Rose-Coloured is the final work that Addison made during her time at the University of Lethbridge before transferring to Concordia University’s Art History program in Montréal, Quebec. The installation, which brought together simple ready-made materials (coloured cellophane, fluorescent bulbs and simulated fog) immersed viewers in a sea of pink haze. While at first glance, the installation felt alurring, delicate and tender, it soon became apparent that the space was rather uninviting as viewers became disoriented.

While Rose-Coloured was partially created in response to a course assignment prompt, ‘To work with Light’, Addison wanted to construct a space that brought her current mental state to light. Rose-Coloured emerged from a time of grief and severe mental stress stemming from Addison’s position within the Art Studio program at the University of Lethbridge. During this time, Addison’s passion for art-making transformed as she questioned the pretentiousness and superficiality of the arts. Knowing that something was missing from her practice and in an effort to follow this internal call to action, Rose-Coloured was Addison’s call for help during a time when she felt like she was suffocating.

Installation view of Rose-Coloured (2018)

Installation view of Rose-Coloured (2018)

Installation view of Rose-Coloured (2018)

Installation view of Rose-Coloured (2018)

Installation view of Rose-Coloured (2018)

Installation view of Rose-Coloured (2018)